Age Group: 3-5 years
Duration: 20-30 minutes (plus time to watch the flowers change)

  • Explore how flowers drink water
  • Learn about colours
  • Practice observation skills

Materials Needed:

  • White flowers (like carnations or daisies)
  • Clear cups or jars
  • Water
  • Food colouring (different colours)
  • Scissors (for adults to use)


  1. Start the Activity:
    • Show the children the white flowers. Ask, “What do you think will happen if we put these flowers in coloured water?”
    • Tell them that flowers drink water through their stems, and today, we’ll see how the water moves into the flowers.
  2. Set Up the Experiment:
    • Let each child pick a flower.
    • Adults will cut the flower stems and put each flower in a cup of water.
    • Let the children choose a food colouring and add a few drops to the water. Each cup gets one colour!
  3. Make Predictions:
    • Ask the children what they think will happen. “Do you think the flowers will change colour?”
    • Encourage them to look closely at their flower.
  4. Watch and Wait:
    • Let the flowers sit in the coloured water.
    • Throughout the day, encourage the children to check on the flowers to see if the colours are starting to show in the petals.
  5. Talk About It:
    • The next day, check the flowers together. “What happened? Did the flowers change colour?”
    • Explain that the flowers “drank” the coloured water, which moved up into the petals, making them change colour!
  6. Wrap-Up:
    • Let the children take their colourful flowers home!
    • Talk about how flowers drink water to stay healthy, just like we drink water!